Venue Change – Thursday 7th March 2019
/0 Comments/in Adult Dance / Fitness, Theatre School /by TinaVenue Change
Sorry another venue change, Gaynes School have cancelled our hire on 7th March 2019.
All classes on 7th March 2019 will be held at Coopers Coburn School, St Mary’s Lane, Upminster, RM14 3HS.
Theatre School 4.30-6.45pm (Theatre Hall)
Lamda 6.50-7.50pm (Dance Studio) (still meet and collect outside Theatre Doors)
Disco Diva’s 7-8pm (Theatre Hall)
There will be NO Fitsteps this week.
If you come into main reception and as you look at the wall in front of you to your right there will be some double doors (not the ones in front of you) go up the stairs (one flight) through the double doors and the theatre is on the right hand side.
Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Tina x
Contact Details
Phone: 07985 555 966
Based in Upminster, Essex © 2018