Class Payments
Bank Details for class payments;
Nationwide Bank
Miss T Easteal
Sort: 07 02 46
A/c: 04604930
Thank you
Bank Details for class payments;
Nationwide Bank
Miss T Easteal
Sort: 07 02 46
A/c: 04604930
Thank you
One last session tonight 19th March 202o then we are on pause for a while…..Online class coming soon……
I have been clinging on by my finger tips to everything this past week hoping the world would suddenly be cured so our show could go ahead, even the Genie couldn’t grant this wish……sadly the Thameside Theatre have now closed their doors.
This doesn’t mean the end of Aladdin for us…..we are just going to hover on that magic carpet a short while until we can land on what ever our postponed date may be.
We will not run a dress rehearsal tomorrow Thurs 19th March we will keep the costumes neatly ironed and ready to go when we can.
Theatre school will go ahead Thursday 19th March, I will video all dances/songs and certain sections of the show, which I will send onto you for future home practice, the important thing is we do not lose all the hard work every student, teacher, helper, parent has put into the production so far.
So when the time is right we can pick up where we left off.
I will transfer show tickets automatically to the new date. If any of your party cannot attend the new date, I will offer you a refund.
As you know it’s a day to day, hour to hour situation at the moment, so please don’t hesitate to ask any questions.
I will always update and post news to the website –
And Facebook – Occasional Dance –
(If you don’t already follow please head over and like the page)
Right I’m going to cry for a short while then pick myself back up and carry on!!
Hope all the children aren’t too upset and sad with this news…’s not the end….we are just pausing!
See you tomorrow at Theatre School unless anything changes between now and then.
THURSDAY 12th March 2020 our classes will be held in the GYM at GAYNES SCHOOL.
Please park over to the far right of the school carpark, as there are events happening in other parts of the school and they want to keep us completely separate and as much out the way as possible.
Directions to GYM
Enter through the furthest door to the right when looking at the school.
Once inside turn RIGHT
Then LEFT again
Then RIGHT…..down 6 Steps, walk straight and you’ll find the gym.
Look forward to seeing you all.
Please DO NOT go the MAIN HALL on the above date.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Tina x
Easter Holidays revised timetable please see below for updates on classes running, cancelled or venue changes;
Monday 15th April 2019
Tap 1pm Trinity Church Upminster
Tuesday 16th April 2019
Mary Poppins Workshop 10-4pm Upminster Methodist Church Upminster.
No Showstoppers competition class.
NO Tap 7pm & Zumba 8pm
Wednesday 17th April 2019
Mary Poppins Workshop 10-4pm Upminster Methodist Church Upminster.
Thursday 18th April 2019
No Theatre School or Lamda.
Disco 7pm & Fitsteps 8pm at Coopers Coburn School Upminster, RM14 3HS – Theatre Hall
Friday 19th April 2019
Monday 22nd April 2019
Tuesday 23rd April 2019
No Showstoppers competition class.
NO Tap 7pm & Zumba 8pm
Thursday 25th April 2019
No Theatre School or Lamda.
Disco 7pm & Fitsteps 8pm at Coopers Coburn School Upminster, RM14 3HS – Theatre Hall
Friday 26th April 2019
Zumba 50 +, 10am at Hopwa Centre
Our yearly group Agency Photoshoot for OD Management Agency will be taking place on Sunday 17th March 2019
Time slots have been allocated to individuals, along with information for hair and dress.
Venue Address;
Hutton Community Centre5 Harrison CloseBrentwoodCM13 1LP
Sorry another venue change, Gaynes School have cancelled our hire on 7th March 2019.
Theatre School 4.30-6.45pm (Theatre Hall)
Lamda 6.50-7.50pm (Dance Studio) (still meet and collect outside Theatre Doors)
Disco Diva’s 7-8pm (Theatre Hall)
If you come into main reception and as you look at the wall in front of you to your right there will be some double doors (not the ones in front of you) go up the stairs (one flight) through the double doors and the theatre is on the right hand side.
Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Tina x
Extra show rehearsals are on the following days and times;
Thursday 21st February 10-4pm
Sunday 10th March 1-4pm
Sunday 24th March 1-4pm
Tickets on sale at OD Theatre School from 28th February 2019
Show Date 5th April 2019
Phone: 07985 555 966
Based in Upminster, Essex © 2018